

Approximating Maximum Weight Cycle Covers in Directed Graphs with Weights Zero and One

14 years 22 days ago
Approximating Maximum Weight Cycle Covers in Directed Graphs with Weights Zero and One
A cycle cover of a graph is a spanning subgraph each node of which is part of exactly one simple cycle. A k-cycle cover is a cycle cover where each cycle has length at least k. Given a complete directed graph with edge weights zero and one, Max-k-DCC(0, 1) is the problem of finding a k-cycle cover with maximum weight. We present a 2 3 approximation algorithm for Max-k-DCC(0, 1) with running time O(n5/2). This algorithm yields a 4 3 approximation algorithm for Min-k-DCC(1, 2) as well. Instances of the latter problem are complete directed graphs with edge weights one and two. The goal is to find a k-cycle cover with minimum weight. We particularly obtain a 2 3 approximation algorithm for the asymmetric maximum traveling salesman problem with distances zero and one and a 4 3 approximation algorithm for the asymmetric minimum traveling salesman problem with distances one and two. As a lower bound, we prove that Max-k-DCC(0, 1) for k 3 and Maxk-UCC(0, 1) (finding maximum weight cycle cove...
Markus Bläser, Bodo Manthey
Added 15 Dec 2010
Updated 15 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2005
Authors Markus Bläser, Bodo Manthey
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