

A performance tuning methodology with compiler support

14 years 2 months ago
A performance tuning methodology with compiler support
We have developed an environment, based upon robust, existing, open source software, for tuning applications written using MPI, OpenMP or both. The goal of this effort, which integrates the OpenUH compiler and several popular performance tools, is to increase user productivity by providing an automated, scalable performance measurement and optimization system. In this paper we describe our environment, show how these complementary tools can work together, and illustrate the synergies possible by exploiting their individual strengths and combined interactions. We also present a methodology for performance tuning that is enabled by this environment. One of the benefits of using compiler technology in this context is that it can direct the performance measurements to capture events at different levels of granularity and help assess their importance, which we have shown to significantly reduce the measurement overheads. The compiler can also help when attempting to understand the performa...
Oscar Hernandez, Barbara M. Chapman, Haoqiang Jin
Added 15 Dec 2010
Updated 15 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where SP
Authors Oscar Hernandez, Barbara M. Chapman, Haoqiang Jin
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