

Functional Testing in the Focal Environment

14 years 2 months ago
Functional Testing in the Focal Environment
This article presents the generation and test case execution under the framework Focal. In the programming language Focal, all properties of the program are written within the source code. These properties are considered, here, as the program specification. We are interested in testing the code against these properties. Testing a property is split in two stages. First, the property is cut out in several elementary properties. An elementary property is a tuple composed of some pre-conditions and a conclusion. Lastly, each elementary property is tested separately. The pre-conditions are used to generate and select the test cases randomly. The conclusion allows us to compute the verdict. All the testing process is done automatically.
Matthieu Carlier, Catherine Dubois
Added 15 Dec 2010
Updated 15 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where TAP
Authors Matthieu Carlier, Catherine Dubois
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