

An Incremental Method for the Lexical Annotation of Domain Ontologies

14 years 3 months ago
An Incremental Method for the Lexical Annotation of Domain Ontologies
In this paper, we present MELIS (Meaning Elicitation and Lexical Integration System), a method and a software tool for enabling an incremental process of automatic annotation of local schemas (e.g. relational database schemas, directory trees) with lexical information. The distinguishing and original feature of MELIS is its incrementality: the higher the number of schemas which are processed, the more background/domain knowledge is cumulated in the system (a portion of domain ontology is learned at every step), the better the performance of the systems on annotating new schemas. MELIS has been tested as component of MOMIS-Ontology Builder, a framework able to create a domain ontology representing a set of selected data sources, described with a standard W3C language wherein concepts and attributes are annotated according to the lexical reference database. We describe the MELIS component within the MOMIS-Ontology Builder framework and provide some experimental results of MELIS as a stan...
Sonia Bergamaschi, Paolo Bouquet, Daniel Giacomuzz
Added 15 Dec 2010
Updated 15 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Authors Sonia Bergamaschi, Paolo Bouquet, Daniel Giacomuzzi, Francesco Guerra, Laura Po, Maurizio Vincini
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