

Improved A Posteriori Speech Presence Probability Estimation Based on a Likelihood Ratio With Fixed Priors

14 years 2 months ago
Improved A Posteriori Speech Presence Probability Estimation Based on a Likelihood Ratio With Fixed Priors
Abstract--In this contribution we present an improved estimator for the speech presence probability at each time-frequency point in the short-time Fourier-transform domain. In contrast to existing approaches this estimator does not rely on an adaptively estimated and thus signal dependent a priori signal-to-noise ratio estimate. It therefore decouples the estimation of the speech presence probability from the estimation of the clean speech spectral coefficients in a speech enhancement task. Using both a fixed a priori signal-to-noise ratio and a fixed prior probability of speech presence, the proposed a posteriori speech presence probability estimator achieves probabilities close to zero for speech absence and probabilities close to one for speech presence. While state-of-the-art speech presence probability estimators use adaptive prior probabilities and signal-to-noise ratio estimates we argue that these quantities should reflect true a priori information that shall not depend on the ...
Timo Gerkmann, Colin Breithaupt, Rainer Martin
Added 15 Dec 2010
Updated 15 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Authors Timo Gerkmann, Colin Breithaupt, Rainer Martin
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