

Improving Quality of VoIP Streams over WiMax

14 years 2 months ago
Improving Quality of VoIP Streams over WiMax
Real-time services such as VoIP are becoming popular and are major revenue earners for network service providers. These services are no longer confined to the wired domain and are being extended over wireless networks. Although some of the existing wireless technologies can support some low-bandwidth applications, the bandwidth demands of many multimedia applications exceed the capacity of these technologies. The IEEE 802.16-based WiMax promises to be one of the wireless access technologies capable of supporting very high bandwidth applications. In this paper, we exploit the rich set of flexible features offered at the medium access control (MAC) layer of WiMax for the construction and transmission of MAC protocol data units (MPDUs) for supporting multiple VoIP streams. We study the quality of VoIP calls, usually given by R-score, with respect to the delay and loss of packets. We observe that loss is more sensitive than delay; hence, we compromise the delay performance within acceptabl...
Shamik Sengupta, Mainak Chatterjee, Samrat Ganguly
Added 15 Dec 2010
Updated 15 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where TC
Authors Shamik Sengupta, Mainak Chatterjee, Samrat Ganguly
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