

Multi-scale dual morse complexes for representing terrain morphology

15 years 4 months ago
Multi-scale dual morse complexes for representing terrain morphology
We propose a new multi-scale terrain model, based on a hierarchical representation for the morphology of a terrain. The basis of our morphological model is a dual Morse decomposition of the terrain, composed by the stable and unstable manifolds defined by its critical points and its integral lines. We propose a two-level representation of the dual Morse decomposition and we define new simplification operators for the Morse decomposition which act on such representation. Based on these operators, we define a hierarchical morphology-based representation, that we call a Multi-scale Morse Complex (MMC). Results from our implementation of the MMC are presented. Categories and Subject Descriptors E.1 [Data Structures] General Terms Algorithms. Keywords Terrain Modeling, Morphology, Multi-Scale Representations.
Emanuele Danovaro, Leila De Floriani, Maria Vitali
Added 09 Nov 2009
Updated 09 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where GIS
Authors Emanuele Danovaro, Leila De Floriani, Maria Vitali, Paola Magillo
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