

A Scale-Based Connected Coherence Tree Algorithm for Image Segmentation

14 years 2 months ago
A Scale-Based Connected Coherence Tree Algorithm for Image Segmentation
This paper presents a connected coherence tree algorithm (CCTA) for image segmentation with no prior knowledge. It aims to find regions of semantic coherence based on the proposed -neighbor coherence segmentation criterion. More specifically, with an adaptive spatial scale and an appropriate intensity-difference scale, CCTA often achieves several sets of coherent neighboring pixels which maximize the probability of being a single image content (including kinds of complex backgrounds). In practice, each set of coherent neighboring pixels corresponds to a coherence class (CC). The fact that each CC just contains a single equivalence class (EC) ensures the separability of an arbitrary image theoretically. In addition, the resultant CCs are represented by tree-based data structures, named connected coherence tree (CCT)s. In this sense, CCTA is a graph-based image analysis algorithm, which expresses three advantages: (1) its fundamental idea, -neighbor coherence segmentation criterion, is e...
Jundi Ding, RuNing Ma, Songcan Chen
Added 15 Dec 2010
Updated 15 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where TIP
Authors Jundi Ding, RuNing Ma, Songcan Chen
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