

Beyond Search: Content Applications

14 years 2 months ago
Beyond Search: Content Applications
Federation of Abstracting and Information Services presentation (“TheThomsonTransformation: Remaking a Global 500 Company,” http://www. Now content providers and publishers are moving “up the value pyramid” by competing on applications built on top of a technology platform that sits on top of content.We call these content applications. People often associate content with a search engine and applications with data (and therefore a relational database management system). But if you were designing a platform for content applications today from scratch, you would not use either a search engine or an RDBMS as the starting point.You would start with a representation of semistructured content—stored and indexed efficiently and securely in a content repository. You would also need a powerful,content-focused query/programming language. In addition, you would take the learnings from the world of search engines and the world of databases, add modern content...
Stephen Buxton
Added 15 Dec 2010
Updated 15 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Authors Stephen Buxton
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