

Attribute-space connectivity and connected filters

14 years 3 months ago
Attribute-space connectivity and connected filters
In this paper connected operators from mathematical morphology are extended to a wider class of operators, which are based on connectivities in higher-dimensional spaces, similar to scale spaces, which will be called attribute spaces. Though some properties of connected filters are lost, granulometries can be defined under certain conditions, and pattern spectra in most cases. The advantage of this approach is that regions can be split into constituent parts before filtering more naturally than by using partitioning connectivities. Furthermore, the approach allows dealing with overlap, which is impossible in connectivity. A theoretical comparison to hyperconnectivity suggests the new concept is different. The theoretical results are illustrated by several examples. These show how attribute-space-connected filters merge the ability of filtering based on local structure using classical, structuringelement-based filters to the object-attribute based filtering of connected filter...
Michael H. F. Wilkinson
Added 15 Dec 2010
Updated 15 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Where IVC
Authors Michael H. F. Wilkinson
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