

Image-Based Gating of Intravascular Ultrasound Pullback Sequences

14 years 22 days ago
Image-Based Gating of Intravascular Ultrasound Pullback Sequences
Intravascularultrasound (IVUS) sequences recorded in vivo are subject to a wide array of motion artifacts as the majority of these studies are performed within the coronary arteries of a beating heart. To eliminate these artifacts, an electrocardiogram (ECG) signal is typically used to gate (collect) those frames recorded at the points in time associated with a particular fraction of the cardiac cycle. However, this technique may be suboptimal for a number of reasons, among which is the difficulty of determining the optimal fraction at which to gate. This value is generally nonobvious. To circumvent this problem, we introduce a framegating method for IVUS pullbacks that mimics ECG (i.e., in the sense that it selects only one frame per cardiac cycle), but will automatically choose the fraction of the cycle that renders the most stable gated frame set. Stability here is gauged by measuring interframe similarity. Our method operates exclusively on the imagery data and does not require ECG...
Sean M. O'Malley, J. F. Granada, Stephane G. Carli
Added 15 Dec 2010
Updated 15 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where TITB
Authors Sean M. O'Malley, J. F. Granada, Stephane G. Carlier, Morteza Naghavi, Ioannis A. Kakadiaris
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