In this research, we first investigate the cross-layer interaction between TCP and routing protocols in the IEEE 802.11 ad hoc network. On-demand ad hoc routing protocols respond to network events such as channel noise, mobility, and congestion in the same manner, which, in association with TCP, deteriorates the quality of an existing end-to-end connection. The poor end-to-end connectivity deteriorates TCP's performance in turn. Based on the well-known TCP-friendly equation, we conduct a quantitative study on the TCP operation range using static routing and long-lived TCP flows and show that the additive-increase, multiplicative-decrease (AIMD) behavior of the TCP window mechanism is aggressive for a typical multihop IEEE 802.11 network with a low-bandwidth-delay product. Then, to address these problems, we propose two complementary mechanisms, that is, the TCP fractional window increment (FeW) scheme and the Route-failure nOtification using BUlk-losS Trigger (ROBUST) policy. The ...
Kitae Nahm, Ahmed Helmy, C. C. Jay Kuo