

Discrimination of dynamical system models for biological and chemical processes

14 years 14 days ago
Discrimination of dynamical system models for biological and chemical processes
In technical chemistry, systems biology and biotechnology, the construction of predictive models has become an essential step in process design and product optimization. Accurate modelling of the reactions requires detailed knowledge about the processes involved. However, when concerned with the development of new products and production techniques for example, this knowledge often is not available due to the lack of experimental data. Thus, when one has to work with a selection of proposed models and the main tasks of early development is to discriminate these models. In this article, a new statistical approach to model discrimination is described that ranks models wrt. the probability with which they reproduce the data. The article introduces the new approach, discusses its statistical background, presents numerical techniques for its implementation and illustrates the application to examples from biokinetics.
Sönke Lorenz, Elmar Diederichs, Regina Telgma
Added 15 Dec 2010
Updated 15 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Where JCC
Authors Sönke Lorenz, Elmar Diederichs, Regina Telgmann, Christof Schütte
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