

Distributed Systems: An Effective Information Sharing Approach for Legacy Systems

14 years 14 days ago
Distributed Systems: An Effective Information Sharing Approach for Legacy Systems
An important issue of distributed systems is interoperability. Lack of interoperability between distributed systems is a common problem with current and legacy applications. Since the legacy applications represent a major investment and for the most part can not be abandoned. Enterprises are looking for solutions that enable the integration of the legacy environments with the new breed of distributed applications, as well as the integration between their existing applications caused either by mergers and acquisitions, or a company's desire to move into a new and uncharted business activity. This paper discusses the affect of legacy systems migration and integration utilizing the existing of-the-shelf middleware. It presents an analysis of distributed systems concepts and design as seen from the perspective of migration and integration of a monolithic legacy system into a distributed system, and it concludes that distributed systems protocols and architecture must be tailored to v...
S. Kami Makki
Added 15 Dec 2010
Updated 15 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Where JCIT
Authors S. Kami Makki
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