Brain signals such as local field potentials often display gamma-band oscillations (30–70 Hz) in a variety of cognitive tasks. These oscillatory activities possibly reflect synchronization of cell assemblies that are engaged in a cognitive function. A type of pyramidal neurons, i.e., chattering neurons, show fast rhythmic bursting (FRB) in the gamma frequency range, and may play an active role in generating the gamma-band oscillations in the cerebral cortex. Our previous phase response analyses have revealed that the synchronization between the coupled bursting neurons significantly depends on the bursting mode that is defined as the number of spikes in each burst. Namely, a network of neurons bursting through a Ca2+ -dependent mechanism exhibited sharp transitions between synchronous and asynchronous firing states when the neurons exchanged the bursting mode between singlet, doublet and so on. However, whether a broad class of bursting neuron models commonly show such a networ...