

Shape-based searching for product lifecycle applications

14 years 3 months ago
Shape-based searching for product lifecycle applications
Estimates suggest that more than 75% of engineering design activity comprises reuse of previous design knowledge to address a new design problem. Reusing design knowledge has great potential to improve product quality, shorten lead time, and reduce cost. However, PLM systems, which address the issue of reuse by searching for keywords in filenames, part numbers or context attached to CAD models, do not provide a robust tool to search reusable knowledge. This paper presents a brief overview of a novel approach to search for 3D models. The system is built on a client
Natraj Iyer, Subramaniam Jayanti, Kuiyang Lou, Yag
Added 15 Dec 2010
Updated 15 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2005
Where CAD
Authors Natraj Iyer, Subramaniam Jayanti, Kuiyang Lou, Yagnanarayanan Kalyanaraman, Karthik Ramani
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