

Mean value coordinates in 3D

14 years 2 months ago
Mean value coordinates in 3D
Abstract: Barycentric coordinates can be used both to express a point inside a tetrahedron as a convex combination of the four vertices and to linearly interpolate data given at the vertices. In this paper we generalize these coordinates to convex polyhedra and the kernels of star-shaped polyhedra. These coordinates generalize in a natural way a recently constructed set of coordinates for planar polygons, called mean value coordinates. Key words: barycentric coordinates, parameterization, mean value theorem.
Michael S. Floater, Géza Kós, Martin
Added 15 Dec 2010
Updated 15 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2005
Where CAGD
Authors Michael S. Floater, Géza Kós, Martin Reimers
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