

A new algorithm for Boolean operations on general polygons

14 years 3 months ago
A new algorithm for Boolean operations on general polygons
A new algorithm for Boolean operations on general planar polygons is presented. It is available for general planar polygons (manifold or non-manifold, with or without holes). Edges of the two general polygons are subdivided at the intersection points and touching points. Thus, the boundary of the Boolean operation resultant polygon is made of some whole edges of the polygons after the subdivision process. We use the simplex theory to build the basic mathematical model of the new algorithm. The subordination problem between an edge and a polygon is reduced to a problem of determining whether a point is on some edges of some simplices or inside the simplices, and the associated simplicial chain of the resultant polygon is just an assembly of some simplices and their coefficients of the two polygons after the subdivision process. Examples show that the running time required by the new algorithm is less than one-third of that by the Rivero and Feito algorithm. r 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rig...
Yu Peng, Jun-Hai Yong, Wei-Ming Dong, Hui Zhang, J
Added 15 Dec 2010
Updated 15 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2005
Where CG
Authors Yu Peng, Jun-Hai Yong, Wei-Ming Dong, Hui Zhang, Jia-Guang Sun
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