

On the Discrete Maximum Principle for the Beltrami Color Flow

14 years 2 months ago
On the Discrete Maximum Principle for the Beltrami Color Flow
We analyze the discrete maximum principle for the Beltrami color flow. The Beltrami flow can display linear as well as nonlinear behavior according to the values of a parameter β, which represents the ratio between spatial and color distances. In general, the standard schemes fail to satisfy the discrete maximum principle. In this work we show that a nonnegative second order difference scheme can be built for this flow only for small β, i.e. linear-like diffusion. Since this limitation is too severe, we construct a novel finite difference scheme, which is not nonnegative and satisfies the discrete maximum principle for all values of β. Numerical results support the analysis.
Lorina Dascal, Adi Ditkowski, Nir A. Sochen
Added 15 Dec 2010
Updated 15 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Where JMIV
Authors Lorina Dascal, Adi Ditkowski, Nir A. Sochen
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