

Automatic Extraction of Femur Contours from Calibrated X-Ray Images using Statistical Information

14 years 2 months ago
Automatic Extraction of Femur Contours from Calibrated X-Ray Images using Statistical Information
— Automatic identification and extraction of bone contours from x-ray images is an essential first step task for further medical image analysis. In this paper we propose a 3D statistical model based framework for the proximal femur contour extraction from calibrated x-ray images. The automatic initialization to align the 3D model with the x-ray images is solved by an Estimation of Bayesian Network Algorithm to fit a simplified multiple component geometrical model of the proximal femur to the x-ray data. Landmarks can be extracted from the geometrical model for the initialization of the 3D statistical model. The contour extraction is then accomplished by a joint registration and segmentation procedure. We iteratively updates the extracted bone contours and an instanced 3D model to fit the x-ray images. Taking the projected silhouettes of the instanced 3D model on the registered x-ray images as templates, bone contours can be extracted by a graphical model based Bayesian inference...
Xiao Dong, Miguel Ángel González Bal
Added 15 Dec 2010
Updated 15 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Where JMM2
Authors Xiao Dong, Miguel Ángel González Ballester, Guoyan Zheng
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