

Upper bounds for revenue maximization in a satellite scheduling problem

14 years 3 months ago
Upper bounds for revenue maximization in a satellite scheduling problem
This paper presents upper bounds for the Satellite Revenue Selection and Scheduling problem (SRSS). A compact model of this generalized Prize Collecting Traveling Salesman Problem with Time Windows is defined and enriched with valid inequalities based on task interval reasoning. The non-concavity of the objective function to be maximized is also studied. Finally a Russian Dolls approach combines bounds on nested sub-problems. These first upper bounds for the SRSS problem are compared to best known solutions of the benchmark of the optimization challenge organized by the French OR society. Key words: Upper bounds, valid inequalities, concave costs, Russian Dolls AMS classification: 90C90
Thierry Benoist, Benoît Rottembourg
Added 15 Dec 2010
Updated 15 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2004
Where 4OR
Authors Thierry Benoist, Benoît Rottembourg
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