A random access protocol named ALLIANCES was recently proposed, that achieves high throughput by resolving collisions in wireless networks. ALLIANCES exploits diversity provided by user cooperation. In this paper we propose a multichannel extension of ALLIANCES that in addition to cooperation diversity can exploit multipath diversity. The total bandwidth is divided into separable subchannels. Users can transmit packets over multiple but different subchannels. Cooperative transmissions are used to resolve collisions on subchannels. For resolving simultaneous collisions at different subchannels, we propose two schemes that depending on whether traffic is homogeneous, or heterogenous, minimize respectively the average packet processing time, or meet QoS requirements. The proposed scheme maintains low collision order, which results in lower packet recovery complexity and errors, and is well suited to accommodate traffic with different Quality-of-Service requirements. We present analytic p...
Lun Dong, Athina P. Petropulu