

Probabilistic analysis on mesh network fault tolerance

14 years 2 months ago
Probabilistic analysis on mesh network fault tolerance
Mesh networks are among the most important interconnection network topologies for large multicomputer systems. Mesh networks perform poorly in tolerating faults in the view of worst-case analysis. On the other hand, such worst cases occur very rarely in realistic situations. In this paper, we study the fault tolerance of 2-D and 3-D mesh networks under a more realistic model in which each network node has an independent failure probability. We first observe that if the node failure probability is fixed, then the connectivity probability of these mesh networks can be arbitrarily small when the network size is sufficiently large. Thus, it is practically important for multicomputer system manufacture to determine the upper bound for node failure probability when the probability of network connectivity and the network size are given. We develop a novel technique to formally derive lower bounds on the connectivity probability for 2-D and 3-D mesh networks. Our study shows that these mes...
Jianer Chen, Gaocai Wang, Chuang Lin, Tao Wang, Gu
Added 16 Dec 2010
Updated 16 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Where JPDC
Authors Jianer Chen, Gaocai Wang, Chuang Lin, Tao Wang, Guojun Wang
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