

Simplicial Cohomology with Coefficients in Symmetric Categorical Groups

14 years 2 months ago
Simplicial Cohomology with Coefficients in Symmetric Categorical Groups
In this paper we introduce and study a cohomology theory {Hn(-, A)} for simplicial sets with coefficients in symmetric categorical groups A. We associate to a symmetric categorical group A a sequence of simplicial sets {K(A, n)}n0, which allows us to give a representation theorem for our cohomology. Moreover, we prove that for any n 3, the functor K(-, n) is right adjoint to the functor n, where n(X
Pilar Carrasco, Juan Martínez-Moreno
Added 16 Dec 2010
Updated 16 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2004
Where ACS
Authors Pilar Carrasco, Juan Martínez-Moreno
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