

Non-Cooperative Resource Competition Game by Virtual Referee in Multi-Cell OFDMA Networks

14 years 3 months ago
Non-Cooperative Resource Competition Game by Virtual Referee in Multi-Cell OFDMA Networks
— In this paper, a distributive non-cooperative game is proposed to perform sub-channel assignment, adaptive modulation, and power control for multi-cell multi-user Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing Access (OFDMA) networks. Each individual user’s goal is to minimize his/her own transmitted power in a distributed manner under the constraints that the desirable rate is achieved and the transmitted power is bounded. The pure non-cooperative game may result in non-convergence or some undesirable Nash Equilibriums with low system and individual performances. To enhance the performances, a virtual referee is introduced to the networks and is in charge of monitoring and improving the outcome of non-cooperative competition for resources among the distributed users. If the game outcome is not desirable, either the required transmission rates should be reduced or some users should be prevented from using some radio resources such as sub-channels, so that the rest of users can share ...
Zhu Han, Zhu Ji, K. J. Ray Liu
Added 16 Dec 2010
Updated 16 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Where JSAC
Authors Zhu Han, Zhu Ji, K. J. Ray Liu
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