

Simplicial cycles and the computation of simplicial trees

14 years 22 days ago
Simplicial cycles and the computation of simplicial trees
We generalize the concept of a cycle from graphs to simplicial complexes. We show that a simplicial cycle is either a sequence of facets connected in the shape of a circle, or is a cone over such a structure. We show that a simplicial tree is a connected cycle-free simplicial complex, and use this characterization to produce an algorithm that checks in polynomial time whether a simplicial complex is a tree. We also present an efficient algorithm for checking whether a simplicial complex is grafted, and therefore Cohen-Macaulay.
Massimo Caboara, Sara Faridi, Peter Selinger
Added 16 Dec 2010
Updated 16 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Where JSC
Authors Massimo Caboara, Sara Faridi, Peter Selinger
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