

Linear syntax for communicating elementary mathematics

14 years 2 months ago
Linear syntax for communicating elementary mathematics
We consider computer aided assessment (CAA) of mathematics in which a student provides an answer in the form of a mathematical expression. A common approach is for CAA system implementors to adopt a linear syntax to allow students to communicate their answer to the machine. In this paper we consider the problems students encounter when mediating between (i) traditional mathematical notation and (ii) the requirements of a strict computer algebra system (CAS) syntax. We compare the linear syntaxes of five commonly used general purpose CAS, and report surprising variety even at the elementary levels.
Christopher J. Sangwin, P. Ramsden
Added 16 Dec 2010
Updated 16 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Where JSC
Authors Christopher J. Sangwin, P. Ramsden
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