

Visualizing Incomplete and Partially Ranked Data

14 years 14 days ago
Visualizing Incomplete and Partially Ranked Data
Ranking data, which result from m raters ranking n items, are difficult to visualize due to their discrete algebraic structure, and the computational difficulties associated with them when n is large. This problem becomes worse when raters provide tied rankings or not all items are ranked. We develop an approach for the visualization of ranking data for large n which is intuitive, easy to use, and computationally efficient. The approach overcomes the structural and computational difficulties by utilizing a natural measure of dissimilarity for raters, and projecting the raters into a low dimensional vector space where they are viewed. The visualization techniques are demonstrated using voting data, jokes, and movie preferences.
Paul Kidwell, Guy Lebanon, William S. Cleveland
Added 16 Dec 2010
Updated 16 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where TVCG
Authors Paul Kidwell, Guy Lebanon, William S. Cleveland
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