

Capacity of opportunistic routing in multi-rate and multi-hop wireless networks

14 years 21 days ago
Capacity of opportunistic routing in multi-rate and multi-hop wireless networks
Abstract-- Opportunistic routing (OR) copes with the unreliable transmissions by exploiting the broadcast nature of the wireless medium and spatial diversity of the multi-hop wireless networks. In this paper, we carry out a comprehensive study on the impacts of multiple rates, interference, candidate selection and prioritization on the maximum end-to-end throughput or capacity of OR. Taking into account the wireless interference and unique properties of OR, we introduce the concept of concurrent transmitter sets to represent the constraints imposed by the transmission conflicts of OR, and formulate the maximum end-toend throughput problem as a maximum-flow linear programming subject to the transmission conflict constraints. We also propose two multi-rate OR metrics: expected medium time (EMT) and expected advancement rate (EAR), and the corresponding distributed and local rate and candidate set selection schemes, one of which is Least Medium Time OR (LMTOR) and the other is Multi-rate ...
Kai Zeng, Wenjing Lou, Hongqiang Zhai
Added 16 Dec 2010
Updated 16 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where TWC
Authors Kai Zeng, Wenjing Lou, Hongqiang Zhai
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