

Scripting Affective Communication with Life-Like Characters in Web-Based Interaction Systems

14 years 2 months ago
Scripting Affective Communication with Life-Like Characters in Web-Based Interaction Systems
In this paper, we discuss scripting tools that aim at facilitating the design of web-based interactions with animated characters capable of affective communication. Specifically, two systems are developed. The SCREAM system is a scripting tool that enables authors to create emotionally and socially appropriate responses of animated characters. Content authors may design the mental make-up of a character by declaring a variety of parameters and behaviors relevant to affective communication and obtain quantified emotional reactions that can be input to an Animation Engine. While the default operations of a character's `mind' are based on psychological and sociological research, authors may easily modify and extend its rule set. In order to facilitate high-level scripting and connectivity with other web-based animated agent systems, the tool is written in a lightweight Java based Prolog system and Java. Connectivity is demonstrated by interfacing SCREAM with the our second syst...
Helmut Prendinger, Sylvain Descamps, Mitsuru Ishiz
Added 16 Dec 2010
Updated 16 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2002
Where AAI
Authors Helmut Prendinger, Sylvain Descamps, Mitsuru Ishizuka
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