

Learning cost-sensitive active classifiers

14 years 2 months ago
Learning cost-sensitive active classifiers
Most classification algorithms are "passive", in that they assign a class label to each instance based only on the description given, even if that description is incomplete. By contrast, an active classifier can -- at some cost -- obtain the values of some unspecified attributes, before deciding upon a class label. This can be useful, for instance, when deciding whether to gather information relevant to a medical procedure or experiment. The expected utility of using an active classifier depends on both the cost required to obtain the values of additional attributes and the penalty incurred if the classifier outputs the wrong classification. This paper analyzes the problem of learning optimal active classifiers, using a variant of the probably-approximately-correct (PAC) model. After defining the framework, we show that this task can be achieved efficiently when the active classifier is allowed to perform only (at most) a constant number of tests. We then show that, in more ...
Russell Greiner, Adam J. Grove, Dan Roth
Added 16 Dec 2010
Updated 16 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2002
Where AI
Authors Russell Greiner, Adam J. Grove, Dan Roth
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