We extend the classes of standard discrete- and continuous-time input/state/ output matrix systems by adding reverse internal and/or external channels. The reverse internal channel permits the impulse response to contain a differentiating part, and the reverse external channel allows us to include inputs which are forced to be zero and outputs which are undetermined. The purpose of this extension is obtaining a class of state-space matrix systems that can be used to realise all right-coprime positive-real rational relations – in particular non-proper positivereal rational transfer functions can be realised. We generalise the notions of impedance and scattering passivity to extended systems. When we restrict our attention to passive systems, the new class of extended impedance-passive systems is closed under the operations of interchanging the input and the output, as well as frequency inversion and duality. We generalise two system Cayley transformations to extended systems. The �...
Mikael Kurula, Olof J. Staffans