This paper describes a specialized interface to PVS called TAME (Timed Automata Modeling Environment) which provides automated support for proving properties of I/O automata. A major goal of TAME is to allow a software developer to use PVS to specify and prove properties of an I/O automaton efficiently and without first becoming a PVS expert. To accomplish this goal, TAME provides a template that the user completes to specify an I/O automaton and a set of proof steps natural for humans to use for proving properties of automata. Each proof step is implemented by a PVS strategy and possibly some auxiliary theories that support that strategy. We have used the results of two recent formal methods studies as a basis for two case studies to evaluate TAME. In the first formal methods study, Romijn used I/O automata to specify and verify memory and remote procedure call components of a concurrent system. In the second formal methods study, Devillers et al. specified a tree identify protocol (T...
Myla Archer, Constance L. Heitmeyer, Elvinia Ricco