

Isotopic approximations and interval solids

14 years 2 months ago
Isotopic approximations and interval solids
Given a nonsingular compact two-manifold F without boundary, we present methods for establishing a family of surfaces which can approximate F so that each approximant is ambient isotopic to F: The methods presented here offer broad theoretical guidance for a rich class of ambient isotopic approximations, for applications in graphics, animation and surface reconstruction. They are also used to establish sufficient conditions for an interval solid to be ambient isotopic to the solid it is approximating. Furthermore, the normals of the approximant are compared to the normals of the original surface, as these approximating normals play prominent roles in many graphics algorithms. The methods are based on global theoretical considerations and are compared to existing local methods. Practical implications of these methods are also presented. For the global case, a differential surface analysis is performed to find a positive number r so that the offsets Fo
Takis Sakkalis, Thomas J. Peters, Justin Bisceglio
Added 16 Dec 2010
Updated 16 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2004
Where CAD
Authors Takis Sakkalis, Thomas J. Peters, Justin Bisceglio
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