

A single solution method for converting 2D assembly drawings to 3D part drawings

14 years 21 days ago
A single solution method for converting 2D assembly drawings to 3D part drawings
Although solid models play a central role in modern CAD systems, 2D CAD systems are still commonly used for designing products without complex curved faces. Therefore, an important task is to convert 2D drawings to solid models, and this is usually carried out manually even in present CAD systems. Many methods have been proposed to automatically convert orthographic part drawings of solid objects to solid models. Unfortunately, products are usually drawn as 2D assembly drawings, and therefore, these methods cannot be applied. A further problem is the difficult and time-consuming task of decomposing 2D assembly drawings into 2D part drawings. In previous work, the authors proposed a method to automatically decompose 2D assembly drawings into 3D part drawings, from which 2D part drawings can be easily generated. However, one problem with the proposed method was that the number of solutions could easily explode if the 2D assembly drawings became complex. Building on this work, here we de...
Masaji Tanaka, Laurence Anthony, Toshiaki Kaneeda,
Added 16 Dec 2010
Updated 16 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2004
Where CAD
Authors Masaji Tanaka, Laurence Anthony, Toshiaki Kaneeda, Junji Hirooka
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