

Monitoring, Analyzing, and Controlling Internet-scale Systems with ACME

14 years 3 months ago
Monitoring, Analyzing, and Controlling Internet-scale Systems with ACME
Analyzing and controlling large distributed services under a wide range of conditions is difficult. Yet these capabilities are essential to a number of important development and operational tasks such as benchmarking, testing, and system management. To facilitate these tasks, we have built the Application Control and Monitoring Environment (ACME), a scalable, flexible infrastructure for monitoring, analyzing, and controlling Internet-scale systems. ACME consists of two parts. ISING, the Internet Sensor In-Network agGregator, queries "sensors" and aggregates the results as they are routed through an overlay network. ENTRIE, the ENgine for TRiggering Internet Events, uses the data streams supplied by ISING, in combination with a user's XML configuration file, to trigger "actuators" such as killing processes during a robustness benchmark or paging a system administrator when predefined anomalous conditions are observed. In this paper we describe the design, imple...
David L. Oppenheimer, Vitaliy Vatkovskiy, Hakim We
Added 17 Dec 2010
Updated 17 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2004
Where CORR
Authors David L. Oppenheimer, Vitaliy Vatkovskiy, Hakim Weatherspoon, Jason Lee, David A. Patterson, John Kubiatowicz
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