

Integrated modeling, finite-element analysis, and engineering design for thin-shell structures using subdivision

14 years 2 months ago
Integrated modeling, finite-element analysis, and engineering design for thin-shell structures using subdivision
Many engineering design applications require geometric modeling and mechanical simulation of thin flexible structures, such as those found in the automotive and aerospace industries. Traditionally, geometric modeling, mechanical simulation, and engineering design are treated as separate modules requiring different methods and representations. Due to the incompatibility of the involved representations the transition from geometric modeling to mechanical simulation, as well as in the opposite direction, requires substantial effort. However, for engineering design purposes efficient transition between geometric modeling and mechanical simulation is essential. We propose the use of subdivision surfaces as a common foundation for modeling, simulation, and design in a unified framework. Subdivision surfaces provide a flexible and efficient tool for arbitrary topology free-form surface modeling, avoiding many of the problems inherent in traditional spline patch based approaches. The underlyi...
Fehmi Cirak, Michael J. Scott, Erik K. Antonsson,
Added 17 Dec 2010
Updated 17 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2002
Where CAD
Authors Fehmi Cirak, Michael J. Scott, Erik K. Antonsson, Michael Ortiz, Peter Schröder
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