

Keeping the Software Documentation Up to Date in Small Companies

14 years 2 months ago
Keeping the Software Documentation Up to Date in Small Companies
Software configuration management is one of the first requirements to achieve quality in the software process. However, these activities are very difficult to be introduced, mainly in small software companies. This work proposes a software configuration management plan for small software business. In order to accomplish this goal, an empirical research was carried out, using the Goal/ Question/ Metric method (GQM), to identify how small software companies perform software configuration management. Because the result showed that these software companies do not perform software configuration management, the IEEE standard 828-1990 activities were considered as base for the proposed plan. The plan details the management and technical procedures needed to the accomplishment of the (a) identification, (b) status report and (c) version and change control tasks. This plan is a first step to improve software processes quality. KEY WORDS: Software Configuration Management, Software Configuratio...
Renato Ferrari Pacheco, Rosely Sanches
Added 17 Dec 2010
Updated 17 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2000
Authors Renato Ferrari Pacheco, Rosely Sanches
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