

Retransmission schemes for streaming internet multimedia: evaluation model and performance analysis

14 years 20 days ago
Retransmission schemes for streaming internet multimedia: evaluation model and performance analysis
This paper presents a trace-driven simulation study of two classes of retransmission timeout (RTO) estimators in the context of realtime streaming over the Internet. We explore the viability of employing retransmission timeouts in NACK-based (i.e., rate-based) streaming applications to support multiple retransmission attempts per lost packet. The first part of our simulation is based on trace data collected during a number of real-time streaming tests between dialup clients in all 50 states in the U.S. (including 653 major U.S. cities) and a backbone video server. The second part of the study is based on streaming tests over DSL and ISDN access links. First, we define a generic performance measure for assessing the accuracy of hypothetical RTO estimators based on the samples of the round-trip delay (RTT) recorded in the trace data. Second, using this performance measure, we evaluate the class of TCP-like estimators and find the optimal estimator given our performance measure. Third, w...
Dmitri Loguinov, Hayder Radha
Added 17 Dec 2010
Updated 17 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2002
Where CCR
Authors Dmitri Loguinov, Hayder Radha
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