

AWE: aviation weather data visualization environment

14 years 2 months ago
AWE: aviation weather data visualization environment
Weather is one of the major causes of aviation accidents. General aviation (GA) flights account for 92% of all the aviation accidents. In spite of all the official and unofficial sources of weather visualization tools available to pilots, there is an urgent need for visualizing several weather related data tailored for general aviation pilots. Our system, Aviation Weather Data Visualization Environment (AWE), presents graphical displays of meteorological observations, terminal area forecasts, and winds aloft forecasts onto a cartographic grid specific to the pilot's area of interest. Decisions regarding the graphical display and design are made based on careful consideration of user needs. Integral visual display of these elements of weather reports is designed for the use of GA pilots as a weather briefing and route selection tool. AWE provides linking of the weather information to the flight's path and schedule. The pilot can interact with the system to obtain aviation-spe...
Lilly Spirkovska, Suresh K. Lodha
Added 17 Dec 2010
Updated 17 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2002
Where CG
Authors Lilly Spirkovska, Suresh K. Lodha
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