

Internal Node and Shortcut Based Routing with Guaranteed Delivery in Wireless Networks

14 years 2 months ago
Internal Node and Shortcut Based Routing with Guaranteed Delivery in Wireless Networks
Several distributed routing algorithms for wireless networks were described recently, based on location information of nodes available via Global Positioning System (GPS). In greedy routing algorithm sender or node S currently holding the message m forwards m to one of its neighbors that is the closest to destination. The algorithm fails if S does not have any neighbor that is closer to destination than S. FACE algorithm guarantees the delivery of m if the network, modeled by unit graph, is connected. GFG algorithm combines greedy and FACE algorithms. Greedy algorithm is applied as long as possible, until delivery or a failure. In case of failure, the algorithm switches to FACE algorithm until a node closer to destination than last failure node is found, at which point greedy algorithm is applied again. In this paper we further improve the performance of GFG algorithm, by reducing its average hop count. First we improve the FACE algorithm by adding a sooner-back procedure for earlier ...
Susanta Datta, Ivan Stojmenovic, Jie Wu
Added 17 Dec 2010
Updated 17 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2002
Authors Susanta Datta, Ivan Stojmenovic, Jie Wu
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