

Learning Chinese Bracketing Knowledge Based on a Bilingual Language Model

14 years 2 months ago
Learning Chinese Bracketing Knowledge Based on a Bilingual Language Model
This paper proposes a new method for automatic acquisition of Chinese bracketing knowledge from English-Chinese sentencealigned bilingual corpora. Bilingual sentence pairs are first aligned in syntactic structure by combining English parse trees with a statistical bilingual language model. Chinese bracketing knowledge is then extracted automatically. The preliminary experiments show automatically learned knowledge accords well with manually annotated brackets. The proposed method is particularly useful to acquire bracketing knowledge for a less studied language that lacks tools and resources found in a second language more studied. Although this paper discusses experiments with Chinese and English, the method is also applicable to other language pairs.
Yajuan Lü, Sheng Li, Tiejun Zhao, Muyun Yang
Added 17 Dec 2010
Updated 17 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2002
Authors Yajuan Lü, Sheng Li, Tiejun Zhao, Muyun Yang
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