

Disambiguation of Finite-State Transducers

14 years 8 days ago
Disambiguation of Finite-State Transducers
The objective of this work is to disambiguate transducers which have the following form: T = R D and to be able to apply the determinization algorithm described in (Mohri, 1997). Our approach to disambiguating T = R D consists first of computing the composition T and thereafter to disambiguate the transducer T. We will give an important consequence of this result that allows us to compose any number of transducers R with the transducer D, in contrast to the previous approach which consisted in first disambiguating transducers D and R to produce respectively D and R , then computing T = R D where T is unambiguous. We will present results in the case of a transducer D representing a dictionary and R representing phonological rules.
N. Smaili, Patrick Cardinal, Gilles Boulianne, Pie
Added 17 Dec 2010
Updated 17 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2002
Authors N. Smaili, Patrick Cardinal, Gilles Boulianne, Pierre Dumouchel
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