

A Chart-Parsing Algorithm for Efficient Semantic Analysis

14 years 2 months ago
A Chart-Parsing Algorithm for Efficient Semantic Analysis
In some contexts, well-formed natural language cannot be expected as input to information or communication systems. In these contexts, the use of grammar-independent input (sequences of uninflected semantic units like e.g. languageindependent icons) can be an answer to the users' needs. However, this requires that an intelligent system should be able to interpret this input with reasonable accuracy and in reasonable time. Here we propose a method allowing a purely semantic-based analysis of sequences of semantic units. It uses an algorithm inspired by the idea of "chart parsing" known in Natural Language Processing, which stores intermediate parsing results in order to bring the calculation time down.
Pascal Vaillant
Added 17 Dec 2010
Updated 17 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2002
Authors Pascal Vaillant
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