

Developing flexible and high-performance Web servers with frameworks and patterns

14 years 2 months ago
Developing flexible and high-performance Web servers with frameworks and patterns
The goal of this paper is to illustrate how frameworks and patterns address complexities that arise in the design and implementation of high-performance distributed software systems. These complexities are both inherent (e.g., latency reduction and throughput preservation), and accidental (e.g., the continuous reinvention of key concepts and components). This paper explains how complexities occurring in the development of high-performance Web servers can be alleviated with the use of design patterns and object-oriented application frameworks. These techniques were applied to the development our high-performance adaptive Web server framework, JAWS. JAWS exemplifies how a framework can remain flexible without sacrificing performance. 1 Applying Patterns and Frameworks to Web Servers Developers of Web servers strive to build fast, scalable, and configurable systems. This paper describes some common pitfalls encountered by these developers and how to avoid these pitfalls. Common pitfalls ...
Douglas C. Schmidt, James C. Hu
Added 18 Dec 2010
Updated 18 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2000
Where CSUR
Authors Douglas C. Schmidt, James C. Hu
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