

Algorithms and obstructions for linear-width and related search parameters

14 years 8 days ago
Algorithms and obstructions for linear-width and related search parameters
The linear-width of a graph G is de ned to be the smallest integer k such that the edges of G can be arranged in a linear ordering e1;:::;er in such a way that for every i = 1;:::;r , 1, there are at most k vertices incident to edges that belong both to fe1;:::;eig and to fei+1;:::;er g. In this paper, we give a set of 57 graphs and prove that it is the set of the minimal forbidden minors for the class of graphs with linear-width at most two. Our proof alsogives a linear timealgorithmthat either reports that a given graph has linear-width more than two or outputs an edge ordering of minimum linear-width. We further prove a structural connection between linear-width and the mixed search number which enables us to determine, for any k 1, the set acyclic forbidden minors for the class of graphs with linear-width k. Moreover, due to this connection, our algorithm can be transfered to two linear time algorithms that check whether a graph has mixed search or edge search number at most two...
Dimitrios M. Thilikos
Added 18 Dec 2010
Updated 18 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2000
Where DAM
Authors Dimitrios M. Thilikos
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