

Open Proofs and Open Terms: A Basis for Interactive Logic

14 years 2 months ago
Open Proofs and Open Terms: A Basis for Interactive Logic
In the process of interactive theorem proving one often works with incomplete higher order proofs. In this paper we address the problem of giving a correctness criterion for these incomplete proofs by presenting open higher order logic o-Pred as a conservative extension of Pred. We define a typing system o-Pred and show that the CurryHoward embedding extends to embedding into o-Pred. We show that the contexts of this typing system extended with definitions can represent the notion of proof state and allow for forward reasoning, proof reuse and free exploration of the given data ('stratch paper' mechanism).
Herman Geuvers, Gueorgui I. Jojgov
Added 18 Dec 2010
Updated 18 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2002
Where CSL
Authors Herman Geuvers, Gueorgui I. Jojgov
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