

Automated Tutorial and Assignment Assessment

14 years 2 months ago
Automated Tutorial and Assignment Assessment
Computer simulation is used extensively both as an educational tool and within industry. It can be employed as a means of developing a new process or system or as a means of experimenting with an existing system. The simulation exercises described in this paper aim to provide students with the ability to use and create computer models. The input parameters for the simulations are based on student identification numbers and the assessment is automated. Ideally students would receive immediate feedback, but the facility has only been partially implemented. Automated "reverse-engineering" of incorrect answers can suggest the source of the error in many cases, and this is in the process of being put into operation. Keywords Automated assessment, Modelling, Simulation
Roger F. Browne
Added 18 Dec 2010
Updated 18 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2002
Where ETS
Authors Roger F. Browne
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