

Context Dependent Procedures and Computed Types in -eriFun

14 years 3 months ago
Context Dependent Procedures and Computed Types in -eriFun
We present two enhancements of the functional language L which is used in the eriFun system to write programs and formulate statements about them. Context dependent procedures allow to stipulate the context under which procedures are sensibly executed, thus avoiding runtime tests in program code as well as verification of absence of exceptions by proving stuck-freeness of procedure calls. Computed types lead to more compact code, increase the readability of programs, and make the well-known benefits of type systems available to non-freely generated data types as well. Since satisfaction of context requirements as well as type checking becomes undecidable, proof obligations are synthesized to be proved by the verifier at hand, thus supporting static code analysis. Information about the type hierarchy is utilized for increasing the performance and efficiency of the verifier.
Andreas Schlosser, Christoph Walther, Michael Gond
Added 18 Dec 2010
Updated 18 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Authors Andreas Schlosser, Christoph Walther, Michael Gonder, Markus Aderhold
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