

The Role of Mass Customization in Enhancing Supply Chain Relationships in B2C E-Commerce Markets

14 years 3 months ago
The Role of Mass Customization in Enhancing Supply Chain Relationships in B2C E-Commerce Markets
Traditional supply chain management utilized traditional media and channels to link firms in linear, inefficient relationships. The advent of electronic commerce over the Internet has facilitated new relationships for connecting with new supply chain partners, thereby significantly increasing the quantity and quality of inter-organizational information flows. These information flows are theoretically evaluated using the principles of information quality dimensions. In addition, a new breed of market makers, or information intermediaries, is defining new functional relationships between the different players. The direct channel between manufacturers (or digital content providers) and consumers is enabling mass-customization, and is influencing the demand forecasting and inventory management functions. Mass customization is discussed in the context of both digital and physical goods, along with an analysis of information quality dimensions. Finally, the impact of these new supply chain ...
Merrill Warkentin, Ravi Bapna, Vijayan Sugumaran
Added 19 Dec 2010
Updated 19 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2000
Where JECR
Authors Merrill Warkentin, Ravi Bapna, Vijayan Sugumaran
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